Build your nest in the neigbourhood of the lovely place called Žitný ostrov…
There are 3 family houses built in an attractive, modern style with adjoining land waiting for you. Enjoy living in a calm world of natural beauties and picturesque water area offering several sporting activities.
Spacious 5 room family houses with a floor area of 198 m2 are designed to meet the requirements of today’s families. There are a choice of plots ranging from 408 m2 to 435 m2 on a separate unmade street for future owners only.

The Lagoon is situated in the northern part of the urban district Čilistov that belongs to Šamorín. In 1238 Čilistov was an integral part of the Bratislava Castle situated by Čiližský Creek. In the town and its surroundings you can enjoy delicious culinary specialties. Your children will for sure enjoy the visit of a nearby mini zoo. Visiting the lagoon, the parc, the beach or the newly-built sports mega centre X-bionicSphere offers you various sporting activities and possibilites for relaxation. Along the Danube river wiggles the international cycling route Bratislava – Gabčíkovo. Attractive meadow forests Lužanské lesy invite you for a family trip in the beautiful nature. The golf course in Báč represents a perfect exclusive environment for the passionate golf players. The capital cities Bratislava, Vienna in Austria or Budapest in Hungary are at a stone´s cast.

The location Šamorín – Čilistov is located in a close neighborhood of Bratislava. The town is a perfect example of the intresting regional offer. It is a superb start point to Vienna or Budapest. Šamorín – Čilistov and its surroundings fulfills the critearia for a peaceful and calm living in privacy enveloped by the beauty of the nature.

If you dream of top quality wellness services and sports facilities, Šamorín – Čilistov with its multifunctional complex X-bionic Sphere offers an ideal place for all enthusiasts preferring a healthy lifestyle. With a total area of more than 1,000,000 m2 the sports complex represents a place where one can practice up to 27 olympic sport disciplines (running, athletics, gymnastics, ice skating, swimming, tennis or cycling). You can visit an impressive pool complex with several swimming pools and all kind of water slides. An integral part of the complex represents a giant equestrian centre and a hotel with a modern congress centre.
In Čilistov you can find also a horse riding arena with a race course, parkour course and horse riding facilities. Several football clubs, a fencing club with its long-lasting tradition, a successful Kayak canoe club raising successful young canoeists, wrestling, basketball, tennis, jockey and karate clubs can be found in Šamorín too. The ladies can do pillates or other aerobic activities. If you prefer biking, the international Danubian cycling route wiggling along the Hrušov water reservoir will lead you to a fascinating municipal forest park called Pomlé with a considerable surface of 10 hectares.


There are up to nine kindergartens, one of them being a billingual kindergarten with an extensive education of the English language, four grammar schools (one of them focusing on art), two gymnasiums and one hotel academy in Šamorín. In all of these facilities the education is held both in Slovak as well as in Hungarian languages.

A health care centre with a policlinic as well as a professional joint rescue squad providing complex quality services can be found in Šamorín. Autonomous paediatric and stomatological consulting rooms are a matter of course.

Šamorín is proud of its own cultural centre, the historical municipal library and the cinema. Directly in Čilistov, within the area of x-bionic complex you can visit a newly-built cinema equipped with comfortable Tuli bean bags.